2023年5月に渋谷PARCO 4Fの「PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO」で開催されたイラストレーター・アニメーション作家である米山舞の個展『EYE』を観てきました。GAINAXやTRIGGERでの活躍が有名な方。私はダリフラ辺りから知りましたが、まだ30歳代半ばだとか。凄い人です。と言うわけで、3ヶ月以上前のネタではありますが、2回の記事に分けて振り返ってみます。(渋谷での展示は既に終了しています)
In May 2023, illustrator and animator Mai Yoneyama's solo exhibition "EYE" was held at "PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO" on the 4th floor of Shibuya PARCO. The artist is well known for her work with animation production companies GAINAX and TRIGGER. Although the story is more than three months old, we will look back on it in two articles. (The exhibition in Shibuya has already ended.)
イラストレーター・アニメーション作家、米山舞の2年ぶりとなる個展「EYE」をPARCO MUSEUM TOKYOにて開催します。
本展は、2022年に発表されたカネボウ「KATE 欲コレクション」インスパイアソング「YOKU」のオリジナルMV、「サイバーパンク エッジランナーズ」のEDなど自身が手掛けたアニメーション映像展示にはじまり、展覧会におけるデジタルイラストレーション展示の可能性を拡張したアクリルプリント、LED作品、インスタレーション、シルクスクリーンやメインとなる大型レリーフ作品など、多岐に渡る出力に挑戦し、新たな作品を公開します。(※展示作品の販売も行います)
また、オリジナルグッズの販売、そして初となる作品集「EYE YONEYAMA MAI」を通常版・特装版を用意し、展示会場にて先行発売します。
1 / Move
For the past 5-6 years, there have been more and more opportunities for big brands that everyone knows to collaborate with animated characters. KATE, which has been signing young actresses, has finally developed products with animated characters as its main focus. The quality of the images and products is nothing short of amazing.
The influence of the movie "Ghost in the Shell" on the world is truly significant. I am grateful that the younger generation is creating "new cyberpunk" by combining the latest technology with artisan skills.
The amount of heat put into the drawing of the eyes is astonishing. The dynamism of the hair is also wonderful.
2 / Morph
Multiple acrylics layered on top of each other. These layers look realistic. The angles of the acrylic panels and the distance between each are subtly adjusted depending on the work. The paints and prints also incorporate different techniques, so the power of the work as a real object is amazing.
Although we tend to focus on the "expression of the eyes," which is typical of Yoneyama's work, we were also surprised by the high level of skill in "color" and "layers. It is fresh to see the way the work looks as if it were "a frame in an animation effect," not to mention "a complete painting. To be continued.
camera:sony α7Ⅳ
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